What can you delegate in your personal life?

The world moves fast, and it’s sometimes hard to find the time to get things done. All aspects of modern life show us every day that it’s hard to manage to accomplish all the tasks on our to-do list. It makes you wonder how you can reconcile your professional and personal life. Whereas in the workplace, it’s possible to manage priorities and even delegate certain tasks so that they can be better distributed among the company’s staff, at home, it’s mission impossible: you’re with your family, and you’re the only one in charge. It’s hard to get your colleagues to help you with day-to-day tasks. But there are solutions available in a number of areas, which we present to you here. 

What solutions can help you lighten your personal day-to-day workload?

Before talking about digital tools and platforms that put you in touch with certain types of professionals, such as Yoopies, we’re going to talk about some other tips that are more or less effective and reliable. 

Ask your family: the most practical option

Who better than your parents to help you? They’ve already done so much throughout your life, why shouldn’t they continue to do so now that you’re an adult with a home and children? Asking them to help you is a classic mistake, because against all odds, your parents have things to do too! Of course, in times of extreme urgency, why not ask them if they’re available, but on the whole this should remain an alternative.

Friends and family: a ready-made solution to help you?

Once again, there’s no need to involve your friends in your scheduling problems. Everyone has to fend for themselves, and while it’s not out of the question to help each other out, it’s important not to jeopardize a relationship that may be decades old. Trivial matters such as not being able to do the housework or ironing are no excuse or reason to mobilize everyone we know. 

Platforms providing access to service providers in a variety of fields: the ideal solution at every level

Browsing and booking a service on a website that puts you in touch with these professionals is a win-win situation. On the one hand, you find a reliable, fast and very often inexpensive solution to support you in one or more areas. It could be housework, childcare, homework help, pet-sitting… it doesn’t matter, the essential thing is that you’re dealing with a competent person who’s eager to help. 

Simply fill in a form with your requirements and the time you’d like the meeting to take place, and you’ll get an immediate response. It’s child’s play! Just try it and you’ll see. 

In this way, you’ll have more time for your other tasks and occupations, without having to call on your loved ones. Your relationships will remain unchanged, and you won’t feel beholden for a service they didn’t have to render. Everyone benefits, starting with you, who will have lightened your personal life by delegating some of your more arduous tasks.